What Is The Site Score?

Wondering how you can make your website even better? Your TurnCage Site Score is a powerful tool that offers tailored suggestions to enhance your visitor experience and improve search engine ranking.

Each item on the Site Score list is customized to your website based on the responses you provided when creating your account, ensuring that the recommendations are directly relevant to you. By addressing these specific items, you can significantly elevate your website's effectiveness and impact.

In this guide, we'll go through each item on the score and give you links to detailed support guides for each one. These guides will show you step-by-step instructions on how to make the suggested improvements.

Short Cut

Go directly to your TurnCage Site Score Tap HERE.

NOTE: If your browser does not allow you to tap the link above you can copy and paste the following link in your browser address bar:


Explore Your Site Score

Note: Your Site Score list and points are personalized to your website, depending on the answers you gave when setting up your account. Some items listed may not apply to your site, and the point values may vary for different websites.

Generate Website (40 Points)

This step is complete, we've created your website. You may want to create another website Tap HERE to see how to add another website.

Add a Logo & Favicon (6 Points)

Your brand is important and we want your personal touch reflected in your website.

  • Add Your Logo: Your brand logo serves as the visual representation of your business and is often the first thing visitors notice when they land on your website. It helps establish brand identity, evoke emotions, and convey the essence of your business in a single image. Go to your website to add the logo.

  • Favicon: A favicon is a tiny icon or image, that serves as a visual representation of a website. This miniature graphic appears in the browser tab alongside the website's name, making it easy for users to recognize and distinguish the site when navigating among multiple tabs or bookmarks. Go to your website to add the Favicon.

To enhance the visual appeal and engagement of your website, we recommend incorporating captivating images. Adding images to your web pages is a simple way to improve your site's appearance and increase visitor interaction.

If you have a domain already, you can connect it to your TurnCage website. If not, find the perfect domain name for you!

Add Meta Information for SEO (15 Points)

When your website is made with TurnCage, it sets up SEO/meta titles and descriptions for your pages. Only Premium Subscribers can use and change these for search engines. If you're a Standard Subscriber and want search engines to find you, Tap HERE to upgrade.

Create a Blog (6 Points)

TurnCage's Smart Blogs are professionally written for you! Just answer a few multiple choice or fill in the blank questions, and we'll create a customized, engaging blog post in minutes. Every paid subscriber has a free blog to try out the Smart Blog writer.

For Premium Subscribers, TurnCage offers Text Messaging Power features, including Text-to-Edit, SMS Content Update Reminder, and SMS Form Response. Simply opt in and verify your phone number to activate these functions. Tap HERE to upgrade.

Now that your website is ready it time to get found on Google search results. One key tool that can help you understand and improve how people find your site through Google is Google Search Console. Don't worry if this sounds complicated—it's not! Setting up Google Search Console is a simple process that can provide you with valuable information about your website's performance.

Prepare to launch your online store, upload your product listings, and kickstart your earnings. The process of setting up your online store entails a series of essential steps that must be finalized before you can activate your store and start selling to customers.

Enhance your website with engaging image galleries to captivate visitors and showcase your work, travels, art and more. Use multiple galleries to create a remarkable portfolio.

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