Can TurnCage Write A Blog For Me? (With Video)

Are you struggling to find the time or inspiration to keep your blog updated? TurnCage's Smart Blogs are done for you, fast, professional and beautifully written! We take the hassle out of blogging by writing and formatting high-quality posts tailored specifically for your business.

Creating a compelling blog is as simple as answering a few multiple-choice questions or filling in some basic information. Once we have your input, we'll craft you a professional, tailored blog in minutes that reflects your brand and engages your audience.

In this article, we'll walk you through the fast and easy process of using our Smart Blogs to create ready-to-publish blog posts. Read on to find out how TurnCage makes it easy to get the perfect blog post, every time.

Watch a video on the process, tap HERE.

Note: All paid subscribers have (1) free blog token to try out the Smart Blogs.

How to Use the TurnCage Smart Blog Writer

Follow these steps to get your blog written for you. To watch a video on the process, tap HERE.

You can create a blog when you are logged in to your account.

  1. From the TurnCage Dashboard, tap the Create button below My Blogs.

  1. Select Write a blog for me (for this guide, if you want to write the blog yourself Tap HERE).

Note: TurnCage provides (1) token to all paid subscribers so you can try out the Smart Blog writer.

  1. Tap the Let's Go button.

  1. Blog Topic, what will the blog be about.
    1. Enter if you know the topic.
    2. Select the topic for your blog.

  1. Choose the blog length and click the Next button. We offer the length in terms of reading time.

  1. Select the amount of knowledge your readers have about the topic of your blog and tap the Next button. This determines the language used in the blog. For example, Expert will use industry terms and language tailored to the experts in your field.

  1. Decide what action you want your readers to do after reading the blog and tap the Next button.

  1. Choose the tone of your blog, how you want the content to read, for example Casual will feel friendly and be a more relaxed writing style. Tap the Next button.

  1. (Optional) Add key words or phrases to incorporate in your blog.
  2. Tap the Next button.

  1. (Optional) You can add statistics or quotes to include in your blog.
    • With the Stat/Quote + Link add a source link. (Click Add)
    • With Quote + Author include the quoted person's name. (Click Add)
  2. Tap the Next button.

  1. Choose a Title and Subtitle for your blog.
    1. You can enter the Title and Subtitle if you know what you want to write about
    2. Select the Title and Subtitle of the list, if you want more options click View 3 More.
  2. Tap the Next button.

SEO for the Blog Page

  1. Use the provided title or write your own for the search engines to see what the blog is.
  2. Use the provided description or write your own for the search engines to give a brief description of the blog page.
  3. Tap the Next button. (Your blog will be created in a moment)

  1. Your blog is ready, review the blog, make any edits and tap the Next button.

The Toolbox allows you to format the content, add images/videos, align text & images, add links and more.

  1. Choose, upload or find a free stock image to reflect what the blog is about, the image will be used on the top of the blog page and on the blog listing page. Tap the Save button to add the image.

  1. You have the option to adjust, remove or replace the image...or if it looks perfect tap the Next button.

  1. Select how you want to save the blog.
    1. Publish Now will immediately add the blog to your website for your visitors to read.
    2. Save as Draft will place the log in a draft mode and will not be added until you choose to publish the blog.
    3. Publish Later allows you to choose when (month, day & time) your blog will publish to your website.

  1. Your finished, return to the TurnCage dashboard.

Watch a video on how to use the TurnCage smart blog writer

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