Can I Add A Page Or Pages To My Website?

Yes, you can add pages to your website. We offer a variety of options for you to choose from and will continue to develop more. Currently, we offer the following Team Pages, FAQ Pages and Freeform Pages.

The Team Page allow you to showcase members of your organization, additionally each member has a profile page for greater detail. An FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page is a dedicated Q&A resource for your website that addresses common customer questions about your products or services. And a Freeform page that allows you to enter content, images and videos.

For more information on editing your website, tap HERE.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Page: add questions and answers. Additionally you can add categories to separate the types of Q&A.

Team Page: Introduce your team with images, titles, contact information and descriptions.

Custom Page: Is a blank canvas which allows you to create content for whatever you like.

Legal Page: Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, Return Policy and Terms of Use to name a few.

Smart Blog: You can add your own or we can help you write your blogs.

Footer Pages: Pages like privacy policy, return policy or any page you would rather not include in the main menu.

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