How Do I Add an FAQ Page? (With Video)

A website FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page addresses common questions and concerns that visitors or customers might have. This page provides clear and concise answers to typical inquiries related to the website's products, services, policies, or other relevant topics. An FAQ page helps to improve user experience by quickly offering solutions and information, reducing the need for direct customer support. It can cover a wide range of topics like shipping details, return policies, account management, or technical troubleshooting.

Watch the video on the process, tap HERE.

For more information on editing your website tap HERE.


Go directly to the Page Manager to add an FAQ page, tap HERE.

NOTE: If your browser does not allow you to tap the link above you can copy and paste the following link in your browser address bar:

How To Create an FAQ Page

Follow these steps to add an FAQ page to your website. To watch the video on the process, tap HERE.

You can add a new page when you are logged in to your account.

  1. From the TurnCage Dashboard, tap the Pages icon on the left side menu.

  1. Click Create New Page on the upper right.

  1. Select Create FAQ Page on the lower left side of the box.

  1. Choose a Layout (use the arrows to view more options).
  2. Tap the Next button.

  1. Enter a name for your new page or leave it as FAQ.
  2. Tap the Next button.

  1. Add a question, you can type or copy and paste.
  2. Add an answer, you can type or copy and paste.
  3. Tap the Next button.

ALERT: TurnCage requires at least 3 questions and answers before being able to publish the page.

  1. Select if you want to add more Q&As or view the page.

  1. Make edits to the hero (optional) and tap Save.
  2. Select how you want to save the page.
    • Draft is not published so visitors cannot see the page.
    • Publish Now makes the page active on your website.
    • Schedule allows you to publish the page at a specified day and time.

Watch the video on how to add an FAQ page

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