How Do I Create a Team Page? (With Video)

A website team page is dedicated to showcasing the members of an organization or company. This page includes profiles of team members along with their names, photos, job titles, and brief descriptions of their roles or bios. In addition, each team member has a profile page which can provide more information about the team member. A team page helps to humanize the organization, build trust with visitors, and highlight the skills and expertise of your team. It's a great way to introduce the people behind the brand and provide a more personal connection to your audience.

Watch a video on the process, tap HERE.

For more information on adding other types of pages, tap HERE.


Go directly to the Page Manager to add new pages like Team Page, tap HERE.

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How To Create A Team Page

Follow these steps to add a team page to your website. To watch a video on the process, tap HERE.

You can add a new page when you are logged in to your TurnCage account.

  1. From the TurnCage Dashboard, tap the Pages icon on the left side menu.

  1. Click Create New Page.

  1. Select Create Team Page.

  1. Choose a layout from the options for how you want your team page to look.
  2. Tap the Next button.

  1. Enter a page name or leave it as Team.
  2. Tap the Next button.

  1. Add an image of the team member.

  1. Select an image from your library or upload one.
  2. Tap the Save button.

  1. Adjust the image.
  2. Click Save & Close to go back the team member contact information.

  1. Fill out as much of the contact information as you want displayed on both the team page and team member profile.
  2. Tap the Next button.

  1. Add a short bio or job description to be displayed on the team page.
  2. Add a more detailed description or bio for the profile page.

  1. Choose to add another team member or save and view the new team page.

  1. Make edits to the hero (optional) and tap Save.
  2. Select how you want to save the page.
    • Draft is not published so visitors cannot see the page.
    • Publish Now makes the page active on your website.
    • Schedule allows you to publish the page at a specified day and time.

Watch a video on creating a team page

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