How Do I Connect My Domain To TurnCage? (With Video)

TurnCage encourages you to add a custom domain. Want to connect your existing custom domain to your site? This article will walk you through the steps to link your custom domain from your domain name provider to your website.

Watch a video of the process, tap HERE.

NOTE: Premium Subscribers can take advantage of a free domain, TurnCage will manage the DNS for you. Tap HERE to learn more.


Go directly to the Domain page to connect your domain, tap HERE.

NOTE: If your browser does not allow you to tap the link above you can copy and paste the following link in your browser address bar:

How to Connect Your Custom Domain

Follow these steps to add your custom domain. To watch a video of the process, tap HERE.

You can add your custom domain when you are logged in to your account.

  1. From the TurnCage Dashboard, tap the Settings icon.
  2. Select Domain.

  1. Enter your custom domain name (example:
  2. Tap the Next button.

  1. Identify your domain host at the bottom of the page OR Google the directions for your specific domain host if not listed.
  2. Use the information provided to change your DNS A records for @ and www.

Note: If you need assistance contact your Domain Name provider support and have them change your DNS for you by providing the information in Step. 6

Alert You should have 1 A record for @ and 1 A record for www, remove any additional A records.

  1. After you update the DNS you must return to the TurnCage Custom Domain page and tap the ACTIVATE button on the top right of your dashboard.

Watch a video of how to connect your domain

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