How Do I Change My Public Facing Contact Phone Number? (With Video)

Keeping your contact information up-to-date is critical for maintaining open lines of communication with your website visitors and customers. Your number appears on the contact page and on the footer of each page. An accurate phone number ensures that potential clients can easily reach you for inquiries, support, or business opportunities.

If you need to update the public facing contact phone number on your website, this article is here to guide you through the process. Read on to learn how to change your contact phone number and ensure that your visitors always have the correct information to get in touch.

Watch a video on the process, tap HERE.

Related Information:

For more information on editing your website, tap HERE.

For more information of editing the buttons on a page, tap HERE.

For more information of editing the button on top of the site, tap HERE.


Go directly to the contact information page to change your public facing phone number, tap HERE.

NOTE: If your browser does not allow you to tap the link above you can copy and paste the following link in your browser address bar:

How To Edit Your Contact Phone

Follow these steps to change your contact phone. To watch a video on the process, tap HERE.

You can change the contact information when you are logged in to your account.

  1. From the TurnCage Dashboard, tap the Settings icon on the left side menu.
  2. Select Site & Contact Info.
  3. Update the phone number and if you want to accept text messages.
  4. Tap the Update button to accept the change.

  1. Preview your website to see if you need to change the button text on any of your pages, tap HERE to learn how.

Watch the video on how to change the phone number on your contact page.

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