How Can I Change The Button On A Page? (With Video)

The buttons on your site can be changed to any of the contact option you provided when setting up your website or an external link which will be available in the drop down menu. This article will walk you through how to change the button action.

Watch a video on the process, tap HERE.

For information on how to hide a page button, tap HERE.

For more information on editing your website, tap HERE.

How To Change A Button Action

This article will be using the Visual Editing Tool. To watch a video on the process, tap HERE.

You can change a page button action when you are logged in to your account.

  1. From your TurnCage dashboard tap the Pages icon on the left side menu.
  2. Select the page you wish to edit

  1. Place your cursor or finger on the button you wish to change the action.

  1. Select the action for the button from the dropdown.

  1. Add the button text to reflect the action. We recommend keeping it short 2-3 words.
  2. Tap the Save button to accept the change.

  1. Click the Save & Publish when you're finished editing the page.

  1. Preview your website to verify the change.

Watch a video on how to edit a button on a page

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