How Do I Hide the Top Button on Mobile Phones? (With Video)

The main button on your website is normally visible and active on all devices, but there are valid reasons to hide it on mobile devices:

  • Limited Space: Mobile screens have less room, so too many buttons can clutter the view and make navigation harder.
  • User Experience: Mobile users prefer simple interfaces. Removing less important elements ensures key features are easily accessible.
  • Relevance: Some buttons are more desktop-oriented and may not be necessary for mobile users.
  • Functionality: Certain buttons may not work well on mobile devices due to limitations or differences in functionality.

This guide will show you how to hide the main button on your website from mobile phones, improving user experience and usability.

Watch a video on the process, tap HERE.

Related articles:

How to hide the navigation button, tap HERE.

How to direct the navigation bar button to an external link, tap HERE.

How to change the action of the navigation bar button, tap HERE.

For more information on editing your website, tap HERE.


You can go directly to editing the Main/Navigation Button, tap HERE.

NOTE: If your browser does not allow you to tap the link above you can copy and paste the following link in your browser address bar:

How to Hide the Main Navigation Button on Mobile Phones

Follow these steps to hide your navigation bar button on mobile. To watch a video on the process, tap HERE.

You can hide the top button form mobile phones when you are logged in to your account.

  1. From the TurnCage Dashboard, tap the Settings icon on the left side menu.
  2. Select Nav & Menu.

  1. Flip the toggle for "Display a main menu CTA button on mobile devices" to off.
  2. Tap the Save button to apply the change.

  1. Preview your website on a mobile device to verify the change.

Watch a video on how to hide the main button on mobile

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