How Do I Create A Store Listing?

A listing can be a product, service or digital download. Before you can start selling items, you must complete your store activation. See below for information on the product listing.

Alert: At this time we DO NOT support drop shipping or affiliate sales.

For more information on managing your online store Tap HERE.

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Go directly to your store management page to create a store listing Tap HERE.

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How To Add A Store Listing

You create a new store listing by following the steps below.

  1. Tap on the Store icon on the left side menu.
  2. Select Listing.

  1. Fill in the required information.
    • Product Name
    • Create a Category to organize and group related products together based on similar characteristics, uses, or themes. This categorization helps customers easily navigate the store and find the products they are looking for. For example, clothing store might have product categories like "Men's Clothing," "Women's Clothing," "Accessories," and "Footwear."
    • Product Description describe the details of your item so buyers know what they’re getting.
    • Product Specifications can include dimensions, weight, material, etc. (Optional)
  2. Add images or what you're offering (top image will be displayed in the store, additional images will be seen in the item page).
  3. Digital Download (choose one):
    • This product is a tangible/physical product that does not include any downloads
    • This product is a tangible/physical product that includes a digital download
    • This product is a digital download and does not have a tangible/physical element
  4. Product Information
    • Quantity (Choose one):
      • I have one available
      • I have more than one available
    • Product Availability (Choose one):
      • This product is available
      • This product is out of stock
    • Product Condition (Choose one):
      • New
      • Used
  5. Price
    • List Price: What you are charging the customer and consider including the cost of shipping in the price (Free Shipping)
    • Sale Price
  6. Product Variant: add variations to your listing if you’d like to offer different options for the item, like size or color. Variants can include different pricing.
  7. Product/Service Detail (Optional)
    1. Brand
    2. UID/SKU
    3. Tax Category Code
  8. Product Page SEO (Recommended)
    1. Page Title (meta title) 60 characters or less.
    2. Meta Description add a description 160 characters or less.
  9. Tap Save to activate the listing.

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