How Can I Remove/Delete a Gallery? (With Video)

You can remove or add a gallery by going to the Media icon on the left side menu of your TurnCage dashboard and click Manage Galleries. Tap Edit to the right of the gallery you want to remove, select Delete Gallery and confirm or cancel the delete. This will remove the gallery, however the images will remain in your media library.

Watch a video on the process, tap HERE.

For more information on editing your website, tap HERE.

IMPORTANT: Once you tap the Delete button your gallery is gone, however the images are still in your media library.


Go directly to Manage Galleries to delete a gallery, tap HERE.

NOTE: If your browser does not allow you to tap the link above you can copy and paste the following link in your browser address bar:

How To Delete a Gallery

You can delete a gallery by following the steps below. To watch a video on the process, tap HERE.

  1. Tap on the Media icon on the left side menu.
  2. Select Manage Galleries.

  1. Tap the ellipsis to open the menu next to the gallery you want to delete.
  2. Choose Delete Gallery from the drop down.

  1. Click the Delete button to remove the gallery.

Note: Deleting a gallery do not delete the images from your website.

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