How Do I Upload My Logo? (With Video)

A company logo will replace the text logo in the upper left side of your website. Your logo will appear best if the size is 340px by 156px (WxH) and as a transparent png file. Upload a company logo that clearly displays your company name.

Watch a video on the process, tap HERE.

NOTE: There are 2 location where you logo can appear, the navigation bar and the footer. We strongly recommend you add both.

  • A light colored background for a color or dark logo. This will appear on your Light Themed header and any communication from your website such as store purchase and confirmation emails.
  • A dark colored background for a light colored or white logo. This will appear on your Dark Themed header on footer of your website.

For more information on editing your website, tap HERE.

If your logo does not look good on your website or footer we recommend:

  • Editing your logo in a program like, Adobe Photoshop
  • Have a designer take a look and offer suggestions.
  • If you don't have a designer you may want to try a platform like
  • Remove the logo and use the Text Logo


Go directly to the Logo & Brand page to add your logo, tap HERE.

NOTE: If your browser does not allow you to tap the link above you can copy and paste the following link in your browser address bar:

How To Upload Your Logo

Follow these steps to upload your png logo. To watch a video on the process, tap HERE.

You can add your logo when you are logged in to your account.

  1. Tap the Settings icon on the left side menu of your TurnCage dashboard.
  2. Select Logo & Brand Icons.
  3. Click the Logo box for your website theme (light or dark).
    • Light themes get a dark or colored logo.
    • Dark themes get a white or bright color version of your logo.

  1. Use the upload tool (or if you already uploaded the file select it from you Library).
  2. Browse your device for your logo file.

  1. Choose the file or files if you have both light & dark versions of your logo.

Note: The recommended file type is a transparent png. This is a png without a background.

  1. The file you selected will be the first file in your library, select it and tap the Save button.

  1. Adjust your logo using the Tool Box to fit the blue box (anything outside the box will not be seen).
  2. Tap the Save & Close button.

  1. When you have finished adding files click the Update button to save your work.

Watch a video on how to upload your company logo

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