How Do I Change My Password

Need to change your account password? This article will walk you through the steps to update your password quickly and easily.

Short Cut

You can go directly to the Account Information page to change your password.

NOTE: If your browser does not allow you to tap the link above you can copy and paste the following link in your browser address bar:

How To Change My Password

You can change your password when you are logged in to your account.

  1. From your TurnCage Dashboard, tap the Account (person icon)
  2. Select Account Information from the sub menu

  1. Tap Change Password next to your password.

  1. Enter your current password.
  2. Enter a new password and then confirm the new password

Note: When creating a secure password for your TurnCage account:

  • Your password must be at least 8 characters (recommended at least 12 characters) and may contain:
    • English upper and/or lower case characters 
    • Numbers 
    • Any of the following special characters:  _ - ! @ # $ % ^ & *
  1. Click the Update button.

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