How Do I Create a Video Gallery? (With Video)

Adding a video gallery to your website can enhance user engagement and showcase your content in an interactive way. Whether you want to share promotional videos, product demonstrations, or user testimonials, a video gallery can be a powerful tool for capturing your audience's attention. This guide will walk you through the steps to create your video gallery.

Watch the video on the process, Tap HERE.

Note: You can embed your videos from YouTube or Vimeo at this time. Video hosing is in development.


Go directly to your website Media page to create a video gallery Tap HERE.

NOTE: If your browser does not allow you to tap the link above you can copy and paste the following link in your browser address bar:

How To Create Your Video Gallery

Follow these steps to add a video gallery. To watch the video on the process, Tap HERE.

You can add a video gallery when you are logged in to your account.

  1. From the TurnCage Dashboard, tap the Media icon.
  2. Select Create Gallery (if you haven't created a gallery yet) or manage galleries to create another gallery
  3. Tap the Create Gallery button in the upper right.

  1. Name your gallery, we recommend keeping the name to 2 words as it will be displayed in your main menu.
  2. Select Video Gallery on the right.
  3. Tap the Save button.

  1. If you have already add videos to your website you can include them in your gallery otherwise select Import.

  1. Copy and paste the video URL form either YouTube or Vimeo.
  2. Click the Start button.

  1. You can add more by tapping Yes and repeating Steps 8 - 10 or choose no and move to the next step.

  1. You can sort the video location by tapping, holding and moving the video to a different location.
  2. Add move videos (see Steps 7 -10).
  3. Click save to add the video gallery to your website.

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