Can The Footer Color Be Changed?

The Footer at the bottom of each webpage is fixed and can not be changed at this time. However, we do want to hear from you if this is important. Please submit a Feature Suggestion for anything you would like that we do not offer. All requests are read and discussed. You can do this from you TurnCage dashboard by going to the question mark icon "?" at the bottom left of your TurnCage dashboard, tapping the Feature Suggestion option and write us your request.


Go directly to the Domain page to edit your vanity URL, tap HERE.

NOTE: If your browser does not allow you to tap the link above you can copy and paste the following link in your browser address bar:

How To Submit a Feature Request

Follow these steps to submit a Feature Request.

You can add your custom domain when you are logged in to your account.

  1. From the TurnCage Dashboard, tap the question-mark "?" icon.
  2. Select Feature Request.

  1. Enter your request for what you would like to see added to our platform.
  2. (Optional) Allow TurnCage to contact you regarding your request.
  3. Tap the send button to submit your request.

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