Is My Website SSL Secure?

All TurnCage websites are SSL secure from the moment they are generated. This means that your website is protected with a secure connection and your visitors' data is encrypted. It is important to ensure that your website displays a secure/lock icon next to the domain name, indicating that it is indeed secure.

If, for some reason, you are NOT seeing the secure/lock icon, there could be a few reasons behind it. One possible cause is cached information on your computer. In such cases, visiting and entering your website URL can provide valuable insights. This website will analyze your site and help identify any security issues that might be affecting the display of the secure/lock icon.

It's worth noting that sometimes the lack of the secure/lock icon is specific to your computer and not necessarily indicative of an actual security vulnerability. To troubleshoot the issue, you can try closing your browser and restarting it. This can help clear any cached data that might be causing the problem. Alternatively, you can try accessing your website using a different browser to see if the secure/lock icon appears there.

NOTE: If the padlock does not appear, there may be a caching issue which can be resolved by clearing your web browser cache.

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